Glazed Cottage Roll

There are a lot of great recipes printed on the packages that food comes in. Think about it: Toll House Cookies, Rice Krispie Squares, Chex Party Mix. It makes sense that the manufacturer would develop the best recipe possible to showcase their product and hook us into buying their brand to continue making the recipe.

This recipe comes from the plastic that’s wrapped around the Maple Leaf pork cottage roll. I think. I’ve had the recipe for so long that I can’t give it proper attribution any more, but it stands to reason that it came from a Maple Leaf product. We ate a lot of their food when I was growing up because my Dad worked there and we figured this would help keep him employed. In fact, working for that company was kind of a family tradition as my grandfather, a couple of my cousins and I all worked there at some point in our lives.

I don’t know anyone who works for the company now, so if you’re going to try this recipe, buy whatever brand of cottage roll you’d like.

Here’s what to do.

Get a cottage roll.

Cottage roll.

Cottage roll.

Put it the right sized pot.

Fits just right.

Fits just right.

Get some cloves, garlic and a bay leaf.

Cloves, garlic and bay leaf.

Cloves, garlic and bay leaf.

Get an onion and quarter it.

And an onion.

And an onion.

While the cottage roll is cooking, make the glaze.

Mustard and brown sugar.

Mustard and brown sugar.

Combined to make the glaze.



After the cottage roll has simmered, transfer it to a baking dish and pour the glaze over.

Adding the glaze to the cooked cottage roll.

Adding the glaze to the cooked cottage roll.

Cook for another 15 minutes.

Glazed cottage roll.

Glazed cottage roll.

Sliced and served.

Glazed Cottage Roll.

Glazed Cottage Roll.

Glazed Cottage Roll

prep time: 1/4 hour
total time: 2 1/2 hours
Makes 6 servings


3 1/4 lb. sweet pickled cottage roll
1 bay leaf
6 cloves
1 onion, quartered
1 garlic clove
3 Tbsp. prepared mustard
1 Tbsp. dry mustard
3 Tbsp. brown sugar


Remove plastic wrapper from the cottage roll but leave it in the net that surrounds it. Place in a large pot and cover with water. Add bay leaf, cloves, onion, and garlic.

Bring to a boil, cover pot, and reduce to simmer for 1 1/2 to 2 hours, or until a meat thermometer reads 170° F.

Set the oven to 425° F.

Lift meat from water and remove netting. Place in well greased shallow pan or casserole dish.

Blend both mustards with the brown sugar and spread evenly over the cottage roll.

Bake in oven for 15 minutes, or until glaze is set. Baste with drippings.

Remove to platter, slice, and serve.

25 thoughts on “Glazed Cottage Roll

  1. Pingback: Cheddar-Corn Spoon Bread | what food i made

  2. I added wild leeks to the boiling broth and used maple syrup instead of brown sugar – local meat and a couple of delicious goodies from our land – mmmmm!!!!


  3. Delicious! Economical way to stretch the budget paired with vegetables for several nights with the ends cut up for hash with poached eggs. Mmmmm Next one tonight for a hot meal with Brussels, then into a big pot of soup tomorrow. Thanks for the recipe.


  4. I just made this for the family, including two kids who are a tad fussy. One of the kids doesn’t even like ham. Well, everyone loved it and went for seconds! I’ll definitely make this again. Thanks!

    I served with braised cabbage and green beans. I used regular mustard for the glaze. The meat was incredibly tender and succulent. Definitely a hit in our home!


  5. what is a cottage roll and is it accessible today in local grocer/supermarkets??? I am assuming it is a form of PORK and i believe this recipe initiated in Canada, am i correct????


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